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Comet 21P, Clusters, Nebulae

by starmaker 2018. 9. 10.

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, Star Clusters and Nebulae in the Auriga.

혜성, 마차부자리의 성단들과 성운들.

염범석 (Bum-Suk Yeom).

마차부자리의 산개 성단들(M36, M37, M38)과 성운들(IC405, IC410, IC417).


Large photo: http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/comet_21p_star_clusters_nebulae_final_large_bsyeom.jpg

Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on September 9, 2018 UTC @ Jangsu, South Korea. Details: 19:46 UTC (04:46 September 10 KST), Samyang 135mm f/2 ED UMC lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, SkyGuide mount, Optolong L-Pro filter, ISO 1600, f/3.5, 4 x 90sec stacked.

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