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Exploding Meteor of the Perseid meteor shower (Movie and music)

by starmaker 2016. 8. 21.

Exploding Meteor of the Perseid meteor shower (Movie and music).
2016년 페르세우스자리 유성우의 폭발하는 유성 흔적.
Music: Amazing Strings in Motion - Carlos Estella.

Full HD Download : http://www.cometsky.com/data/exploding_meteor_160813_web_bsyeom.avi  (17.2 MB)

Canon EOS 5D Mark III, EF 8-15mm F4, Samyang Polar 24mm F1.4. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on August 12, 2016 UT @ South Korea.
