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The Great Orion Nebula M42 오리온 대성운 M42 The Great Orion Nebula M42.   오리온 대성운 M42.   2025. 1. 25. 15:10 UT (1. 26. 00:10 KST).      https://cometsky.com/astrophotos/m42_20250126_bsyeom.jpgTaken by Bum-Suk Yeom (염범석).     엷은 구름이 계속 있었고, 구름이 몰려와서 총 노출 시간이 1시간밖에 안되네요. 2025. 1. 25. 15:10 UT, Takahashi TOA-150 (D=150mm, f=1100mm, f/7.3) refractor, Takahashi EM-400 Temma 2 Mount, ZWO ASI2600MC Duo Camera, ZWO ASI220MM Mini Guide camera, IDA.. 2025. 1. 28.
Mars, and Beehive Cluster (Praesepe, M44) 화성과 벌집 성단 (M44) Mars, and Beehive Cluster(Praesepe, M44). 화성과 벌집 성단(M44).​       Large photos:  https://cometsky.com/astrophotos/m44_mars_20241202_med_bsyeom.jpg https://cometsky.tistory.com/735353염범석. Bum-Suk Yeom.        ​ 구름의 영향으로 사진 화질이 좋지 않습니다. The photo quality is not good due to the clouds. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom (http://www.cometsky.com) on December 1, 2024 UTC @ Jangsu, South Korea.        Details: 20:4.. 2024. 12. 3.
M13 Great Globular Cluster M13 구상 성단 M13 Great Globular Cluster.  M13 구상 성단.  2024. 4. 13. 19:18 UT (4. 14. 04:18 KST).     http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/m13_20240414_bsyeom.jpgTaken by Bum-Suk Yeom (염범석).    2024. 4. 13. 19:18 UT, Celestron 8” Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA 8, D=200mm, f=400mm, f/2), iOptron HAE43 Harmonic Mount, ZWO ASI533MC Pro Camera, ZWO ASI120MM Mini Guide camera, Gain = 0, CMOS sensor temp. = -10°.. 2024. 6. 29.
M27 Dumbbell Nebula M27 아령 성운 M27 Dumbbell Nebula. M27 아령 성운.  2024. 6. 6. 17:05 UT (6. 7. 02:05 KST).   http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/m27_20240607_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/m27_20240607_sq_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom (염범석).    2024. 6. 6. 17:05 UT, Celestron 8” Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA 8, D=200mm, f=400mm, f/2), iOptron HAE43 Harmonic Mount, ZWO ASI533MC Pro Camera, ZWO ASI220MM Mini G.. 2024. 6. 14.
Astrophotos taken with Seestar S50 씨스타 S50 스마트 망원경으로 촬영한 천체 사진들 Astrophotos taken with Seestar S50. 씨스타 S50 스마트 망원경으로 촬영한 천체 사진들. 2023. 10. 20. ~ 11. 26. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/seestar_s50_ngc2237_231022_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/seestar_s50_b33_231107_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/seestar_s50_full_moon_231028_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/seestar_s50_sun_231125_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/se.. 2023. 12. 13.
B33, M15 (Seestar S50) 말머리성운(B33), M15 (씨스타 S50) B33, M15 (Seestar S50). 말머리성운(B33), M15 (씨스타 S50). http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/Seestar_S50_B33_231107_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/Seestar_S50_M15_231107_bsyeom.jpg Bortle scale 6. Iksan, South Korea, 전라북도교육청과학교육원. 말머리 성운(B33)과 발광 성운 IC 434, 씨스타 S50 + Comet BP 필터, 2023-11-07 23:15 KST, 60 x 10초 = 10분 (600초). 페가수스자리의 구상 성단 M15, 씨스타 S50 + Comet BP 필터, 2023-11-07 22:49 KST, 108 x .. 2023. 11. 9.
Coathanger Cluster (Brocchi's Cluster, Cr 399) 옷걸이 성단 (브로치 성단, Cr 399) Coathanger Cluster (Brocchi's Cluster, Cr 399) and NGC 6802. 옷걸이 성단 (브로치 성단, Cr 399)와 NGC 6802. 2023. 6. 18. 18:07 UT (6. 19. 03:07 KST). http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/cr399_20230619_med_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom (염범석). 2023. 6. 18. 18:07 UT, Sharpstar Askar FMA180 pro (D=40mm, f=180mm) Refractor, iOptron HAE43 Harmonic Mount, ZWO ASI533MC Pro Camera, ZWO ASI220MM Mini Guide camera, Gai.. 2023. 6. 24.
Great Orion Nebula (M42), Light pollution filter test M42, 광해 필터 테스트 Great Orion Nebula (M42), Light pollution filter test M42, 광해 필터 테스트 오리온대성운 (M42) 광해 필터 테스트. 3 min single shot. 3분 노출 사진 한장. 2020.10.25. 19:41 (UT). Quad BP II filter test in the city sky (Bortle scale 8). 3 min single shot. 304mm refractor + ASI6200MC Pro camera + Quad BP II filter, 3min single shot. No Dark, No Flat, No Bias. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/m42_20201026_med_bsyeom.jpg 2020.10... 2020. 10. 26.
M13, Light pollution filter test 광해 필터 테스트 Light pollution filter test. 광해 필터 테스트. 2020.04.04. (Moon age: 11.1). Quad BP II filter testing in the city sky (Bortle scale 8). 15 min single shot. TOA-150 refractor + ASI6200MC Pro camera + Quad BP II filter, 15min single shot. No Dark, No Flat, No Bias. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/20200404_filter_test_M13_900s_one_shot_no_dark_no_flat_bsyeom.jpg 올해 4월 4일 (월령 11.1)에 도심에서 광해 필터 테스트로 촬영한 M1.. 2020. 4. 15.
Andromeda Galaxy, M31 안드로메다 은하 Andromeda Galaxy, M31. 안드로메다 은하, M31. http://cfile2.uf.tistory.com/original/273EB336583B92F90B4F05 Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on November 04, 2016 UTC @ Sancheong, South Korea. Details: Nikkor 300mm (F4) lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Meade LX850 mount, ISO 800, f/5.6, 300 sec x 4 + 60 sec x 3 = 23 min. 2016. 11. 28.
Orion's Belt & Sword Orion's Belt & Sword.오리온자리의 삼태성과 소삼태성. http://cfile5.uf.tistory.com/original/213F1A445837AF9C103002 Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on November 04, 2016 UTC @ Sancheong, South Korea. Details: Nikkor 300mm (F4) lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Meade LX850 mount, ISO 800, f/5.6, 330 sec x 4 + 60 sec x 3 + 30 sec x 3 = 26 min. 2016. 11. 25.
Mirach and Andromeda Galaxy (M31) wide-field image Mirach and Andromeda Galaxy (M31) wide-field image.미라크와 안드로메다 은하 (M31)의 광시야 사진. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on October 09, 2015 UTC @ Sancheong, South Korea.Details: 19:34 UTC (October 10, 04:34 KST), Canon EF 200mm (F2.8) USM lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Sky Explorer II mount, Lee soft no. 1 filter, ISO 2500, f/4, 90 s x 3 = 270 sec. http://cfile6.uf.tistory.com/original/26758F40561BC4CB0B0AEA 2.. 2015. 10. 12.