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알데바란 성식 Aldebaran occultation

by starmaker 2016. 11. 15.

알데바란 성식. Aldebaran occultation.

2016년 11월 16일 새벽 1시 57분 ~ 3시 7분.
16th November 2016 @ 01:57am thru 03:07pm


large size : https://t1.daumcdn.net/cfile/tistory/2509833E582AFE5F34

An orange star, Aldebaran occultation by the Moon, which will be remained hidden for one hour, before re-appearing from the Moon’s dark limb.

Immersion of Aldebaran, Alp Tau, SAO 94027, 0.9mag, Altitude h=69.1°, Moon phase=97.8%, bright limb.

Emersion of Aldebaran, Alp Tau, SAO 94027, 0.9mag, Altitude h=60.1°, Moon phase=97.7%, dark limb.









