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3 Planet (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars) 2020-10-12 UT 3 행성 (목성, 토성, 화성) 3 Planet (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars). 2020-10-12 UT. 3 행성 (목성, 토성, 화성). 2020년 10월 12일 UT. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/3_planet_20201012_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/3_planet_insta_20201012_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Iksan, South Korea. 2020. 10. 12. UT, 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC or ASI462MC, x2.5 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC. 2020년 10월 12일, 304mm 굴절망원경, ZWO ASI224MC 또는 ASI.. 2020. 11. 10.
Great Orion Nebula (M42), Light pollution filter test M42, 광해 필터 테스트 Great Orion Nebula (M42), Light pollution filter test M42, 광해 필터 테스트 오리온대성운 (M42) 광해 필터 테스트. 3 min single shot. 3분 노출 사진 한장. 2020.10.25. 19:41 (UT). Quad BP II filter test in the city sky (Bortle scale 8). 3 min single shot. 304mm refractor + ASI6200MC Pro camera + Quad BP II filter, 3min single shot. No Dark, No Flat, No Bias. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/m42_20201026_med_bsyeom.jpg 2020.10... 2020. 10. 26.
2017 Orionid meteor shower (Orionids) 2017년 오리온자리 유성우 2017 Orionid meteor shower (Orionids). 2017년 오리온자리 유성우. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/2017_orionids_web_01_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/2017_orionids_web_02_bsyeom.jpg 염범석. Bum-suk Yeom. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on October 21, 2017 UTC @ Sancheong, South Korea. 2020. 10. 19.
Mars 화성 2020-09-19 UT Mars. 화성. 2020-09-19 16:12 UT. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/mars_20200919_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Mars 2020/09/19 16:12 UT, CM=270.1°, Diameter=21.49", Magnitude=-2.26, 304mm Refractor + GSO2.5x + ADC + ASI462MC, Bum-Suk Yeom, Korea. 화성, 2020년 9월 20일 01:12 KST, 304mm 굴절망원경, ASI462MC 카메라, 2.5배 바로우렌즈, ZWO ADC, 염범석, 전라북도 익산시. 2020. 10. 7.
Venus and Orion (constellation) 금성과 오리온자리 Venus and Orion (constellation). 금성과 오리온자리. 새벽에 떠오른 오리온자리. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/venus_orion_20200820_web_bsyeom.jpg Large photos: http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/venus_orion_20200820_med_bsyeom.jpg 염범석. Bum-Suk Yeom. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom (www.cometsky.com) on August 19, 2020 UTC @ Namwon, South Korea. Details: Sigma Art 40mm F1.4 lens, EOS 5D Mark III camera (filter modified), Skytra.. 2020. 9. 13.
3 Planet smartphone background photo 3 Planet smartphone background photo. 3 행성 스마트폰 배경화면 사진. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/3_planet_20200818_phone_bg_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). 2020. 9. 13.
3 Planet (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars) 2020-08-18 3 Planet (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars). 2020-08-18 UTC. 3 행성 (목성, 토성, 화성). 2020년 8월 18일 UTC. 토성 촬영시에만 시상이 좋은 편이었고, 목성과 화성 촬영시에는 시상이 좋지 않았습니다. 올해 첫 3 행성 사진이라서 같이 넣어 보았습니다. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/3_planet_20200818_web_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/3_planet_20200818_insta_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Iksan, South Korea. 2020. 08. 18. UTC, 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x3.. 2020. 9. 13.
Saturn 토성 2020-08-18 Saturn. 토성. 2020-08-18 UTC. 800 x 800 pixels. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/saturn_200818_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/saturn_200818_rot_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Saturn, 18 August 2020, 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x3 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC, 90 sec movie x 5 = 450 sec (7.5 min), Iksan, South Korea. 2020년 8월 18일 23:58 KST, 토성, 12인치 굴절망원경, ZWO ASI224MC 카메라, 3배 바로우렌즈,.. 2020. 9. 10.
Jupiter 목성 2020-08-18 Jupiter. 목성. 2020-08-18. 시상은 좋았지만 투명도가 좋지 않아서 생각했던 것보다 사진이 선명하게 나오지 않았네요. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/jupiter_200818_new_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Jupiter, 18 August 2020, 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x3 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC, 1min movie x 4 = 4 min, Iksan, South Korea. 2020년 8월 18일 23:36 KST, 목성, 12인치 굴절망원경, ZWO ASI224MC 카메라, 3배 바로우렌즈, ZWO ADC, 1분 노출 동영상 x 4장 = 4분, 전라북도 익산시. 2020. 9. 8.
Mars. 화성. 2020-08-18 Mars. 화성. 2020-08-18. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/mars_200818_new_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Mars, 18 August 2020, 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x3 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC, 2min movie x 4 = 8 min, Iksan, South Korea. 2020년 8월 19일 00:51 KST, 화성, 12인치 굴절망원경, ZWO ASI224MC 카메라, 3배 바로우렌즈, ZWO ADC, 2분 노출 동영상 x 4장 = 8분, 전라북도 익산시. 2020. 9. 6.
Summer Triangle and Milky Way 여름철 대삼각형과 은하수 Summer Triangle and Milky Way. 여름철 대삼각형과 은하수. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/summer_triangle_200820_web_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/summer_triangle_200820_web_rot_bsyeom.jpg Large photos: http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/summer_triangle_200820_med_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/summer_triangle_200820_med_rot_bsyeom.jpg 염범석. Bum-Suk Yeom. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom (www.come.. 2020. 9. 3.
Saturn, Jupiter, Aquila (constellation), and Milky Way 토성, 목성, 독수리자리, 은하수 Saturn, Jupiter, Aquila (constellation), Milky Way. 토성, 목성, 독수리자리, 은하수. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/sat_jup_aql_200820_web_bsyeom.jpg Large photo: http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/sat_jup_aql_200820_med_bsyeom.jpg 염범석. Bum-Suk Yeom. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom (www.cometsky.com) on August 19, 2020 UTC @ Namwon, South Korea. Details: Sigma Art 28mm F1.4 lens, EOS 5D Mark III camera (filter modified).. 2020. 8. 31.