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Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina) Comet Catalina.카탈리나 혜성. 작년 12월에 촬영한 사진. 광해가 좀 있어서 그런지 혜성 꼬리가 잘 나타나지 않네요.혜성 꼬리가 잘 나오도록 과하게 이미지 보정을 했습니다. http://cfile10.uf.tistory.com/original/2159ED3E56882EB20E9F8C Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on December 11, 2015 (UTC) @ Nonsan, South Korea. Details: 20:00 (UTC, 05:00 Dec. 12 KST), Nikon 300mm (F4) lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Vixen Guide pack, f=300mm, f/5.6, ISO 3200, 60 sec x 8 = 8 min. 2016. 1. 3.
Arcturus and Comet Catalina Arcturus and Comet Catalina.아크투루스와 카탈리나 혜성. 2016년 새해 첫번째로 촬영한 천체 사진.반달이 떠 있고 대전 도심(대전시민천문대)에서 촬영을 하니 혜성의 꼬리는 나오지가 않네요. http://cfile1.uf.tistory.com/original/24537E3B5688165E1629F6 Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on December 31, 2015 (UTC) @ Daejeon, South Korea. Details: 19:00 (UTC, 04:00 January 01, 2016 KST), FRT 128mm refractor with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Showa mount, f=1040mm, f/8.1, ISO 1000, 60 sec.. 2016. 1. 3.
Gemini (constellation) Gemini (constellation).쌍둥이자리. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on January 05, 2013 @ Gapyeong, South Korea. Details: 16:21 (UT), Canon EF 50mm (F1.4) lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, SkyTracker portable mount, Lee soft no. 1 filter, ISO 800, f/5.6, 480 sec x 2 = 16 min. http://cfile3.uf.tistory.com/original/2576BC335671A8AF0E7310 http://cfile28.uf.tistory.com/original/232899385671A8CD1E3C6D http://cfile1... 2015. 12. 17.
Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina), Moon, and Venus Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina), Moon, and Venus. 카탈리나 혜성, 그믐달, 그리고 금성의 만남. 혜성의 밝기는 6등급입니다.첫번째 사진의 왼쪽 위에 있는 약간 녹색의 별처럼 보이는 천체가 카탈리나 혜성입니다. 잘 보시면 혜성의 오른쪽 아래, 위로 뻗어 있는 꼬리도 볼 수가 있습니다. 초승달 모양의 달이지만 혜성에 비하면 엄청나게 밝아서 노출 시간을 길게 할 수가 없어서 혜성의 꼬리가 잘 나오지는 않았네요.두번째 사진에서는 2개의 선으로 표시한 부분이 카탈리나 혜성입니다. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on December 07, 2015 UTC @ Nonsan, South Korea. Details: 20:37 UTC (December 08, 05:37 KST).. 2015. 12. 10.
Giant sunspot Giant sunspot.거대한 흑점. 2015. 11. 04. 04:03 (UTC).Celestron Omni XLT 102 102mm Refractor + Galaxy S4 smartphone. http://cfile4.uf.tistory.com/original/251E5F4E5639FC801D0596 102mm 굴절 망원경 + 갤럭시 S4 스마트폰. 2015. 11. 4.
12 signs of the zodiac - Aries 12 signs of the zodiac - Aries.황도 12궁 - 양자리. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on October 17, 2015 UTC @ Sancheong, South Korea. Aries is one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. It is located in the northern celestial hemisphere between Pisces to the west and Taurus to the east. Aries, the ram, is a faint pattern marked by only a couple of fairly bright stars: Hamal, its brightest, and Sheratan, its sec.. 2015. 10. 31.
Aries Constellation Aries Constellation. 양자리. Aries is one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. It is located in the northern celestial hemisphere between Pisces to the west and Taurus to the east. Aries, the ram, is a faint pattern marked by only a couple of fairly bright stars: Hamal, its brightest, and Sheratan, its second-brightest. The name Aries is Latin for ram, and its symbol is Aries.svg (Unicode ♈), re.. 2015. 10. 31.
Big Dipper Big Dipper. 북두칠성. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on October 24, 2015 UTC @ Sancheong, South Korea. Details: 19:39 UTC (October 25, 04:39 KST), Sigma Art 50mm (F1.4) lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Manfrotto 190CL Tripod, Lee soft no. 1 filter, ISO 6400, f/2.8, 10 sec. 북두칠성. 많은 사람들이 별자리로 알고 있는 북두칠성은 별자리가 아니고 큰곰자리의 몸통과 꼬리에 해당하는 별무리입니다.북두칠성의 끝에서 두번째 별을 보면 2개의 별이 있는 것을 확인할 수가 있습니다. 시력이 1.2 정도되면 맨눈으로 구별이 가능.. 2015. 10. 27.
Three Planets in Morning Sky Three Planets in Morning Sky.새벽 하늘의 3행성 쇼. Venus, Jupiter and Mars conjunction. Venus, Jupiter, and Mars all lie against the background stars of Leo the Lion.Set your alarm for dawn.Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on October 24, 2015 UTC @ Sancheong, South Korea. Details: 19:34 UTC (October 25, 04:34 KST), Sigma Art 50mm (F1.4) lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Manfrotto 190CL Tripod, Lee soft no. 1 filte.. 2015. 10. 27.
North America Nebula, Deneb, and Observatory North America Nebula(NGC 7000), Deneb, and Observatory.북아메리카 성운(NGC 7000), 데네브, 그리고 천문대. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on October 17, 2015 UTC @ Sancheong, South Korea. Details: 16:40 UTC (October 18, 01:40 KST), Sigma Art 50mm (F1.4) lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Sky Explorer II mount, Lee soft no. 1 filter, ISO 3200, f/2, 10 s. http://cfile27.uf.tistory.com/original/2528294956267CBA041050 10초 노출한 .. 2015. 10. 21.
3 Planet, Moon, and Regulus 3 Planet, Moon, and Regulus. 2015. October.10. Sigma Art 50mm, 5D Mark III. by Bum-Suk Yeom. 3행성과 그믐달. 2015년 10월 10일 새벽. 촬영장비: 시그마 아트 50mm 렌즈, 5D Mark III 디카.금성, 화성, 목성, 그리고 달. 가운데 위쪽에 가장 밝은 천체가 금성입니다. 금성 아래쪽으로 화성, 목성, 달을 볼 수 있습니다. http://cfile26.uf.tistory.com/original/22715844561E42AA2BB2B2 http://cfile21.uf.tistory.com/original/25170144561E42AC0519DB 2015. 10. 14.
Mirach and Andromeda Galaxy (M31) wide-field image Mirach and Andromeda Galaxy (M31) wide-field image.미라크와 안드로메다 은하 (M31)의 광시야 사진. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on October 09, 2015 UTC @ Sancheong, South Korea.Details: 19:34 UTC (October 10, 04:34 KST), Canon EF 200mm (F2.8) USM lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Sky Explorer II mount, Lee soft no. 1 filter, ISO 2500, f/4, 90 s x 3 = 270 sec. http://cfile6.uf.tistory.com/original/26758F40561BC4CB0B0AEA 2.. 2015. 10. 12.