Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) by NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft 스테레오-A 우주망원경이 촬영한 C/2023 A3 혜성 Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) by NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft. 스테레오-A 우주망원경이 촬영한 C/2023 A3 혜성. 2024. 08. 18. 10:08 UT. The comet C/2023 A3 was spotted this month by NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft apparently in good health on the other side of the sun. It continues to brighten steadily, and is now up to magnitude 7. STEREO-A's i.. 2024. 8. 27. TRAPPIST bright comets production rates: C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) TRAPPIST 밝은 혜성 생산 속도: C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) The dust production (Afrho) of the comet C/2023 A3 has been dropping continuously in the last 6 months to reach a minimum. Afrho is finally rising again since one month. C/2023 A3 혜성의 먼지 생성률이 6개월동안 감소하다가 한달만에 다시 증가하고 있다는 좋은 소식입니다.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ATel #16705; E. Jehin, M. Vander Donckt, S. Hmiddouch, J. M.. 2024. 7. 13. Comet C/2023 A3 may collapse C/2023 A3 혜성이 붕괴될 수도 있다 Comet C/2023 A3 may collapse.C/2023 A3 혜성이 붕괴될 수도 있다.The possibility of the comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) collapsing is expected. However, we cannot yet be certain of the comet's collapse.혜성의 붕괴 가능성이 예상된다. 하지만 우리는 아직 혜성의 붕괴를 확신할 수는 없다. are being widely expressed that C/2023 A3 could become a naked-eye object about the time of its perihelion passage in .. 2024. 7. 11. Light Curve of Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) C/2023 A3 (쯔진산-아틀라스) 혜성의 광도 곡선 Light Curve of Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS). C/2023 A3 (쯔진산-아틀라스) 혜성의 광도 곡선. Large image: 예상하는 혜성의 밝기:09/26(2.5등급), 10/01(2.0등급), 10/06(1.8등급), 10/12(2.0등급), 10/23(4.0등급), 11/04(6.0등급).m1 = 5.9 + 5 log ∆ + 8.25 log r on 2024 July 2 UT. m1 = H0 + 5 log Δ .. 2024. 7. 5. Light Curve of Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) C/2023 A3 (쯔진산-아틀라스) 혜성의 광도 곡선 Light Curve of Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS). C/2023 A3 (쯔진산-아틀라스) 혜성의 광도 곡선. Large image: 예상하는 혜성의 밝기:09/26(2.5등급), 10/01(2.0등급), 10/06(1.8등급), 10/12(2.0등급), 10/23(4.0등급), 11/04(6.0등급).m1 = 5.9 + 5 log ∆ + 8.25 log r on 2024 July 2 UT. m1 = H0 + 5 log Δ +.. 2024. 7. 5. Light Curve of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks 12P/폰스-브룩스 혜성의 광도 곡선 Light Curve of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks. 12P/폰스-브룩스 혜성의 광도 곡선. Large image: This light curve is based on Comet Observation Database (COBS) CCD observation data. The CCD observations of comet include data from both experienced and novice observers using a variety of instruments and measurement methods. So, the predicted magnitude of a co.. 2024. 3. 13. The Comets of February 2024 2024년 2월의 혜성들 정보 The Comets of February 2024. 2024년 2월의 혜성들 정보. 2024. 2. 7. Light Curve of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks 12P/폰스-브룩스 혜성의 광도 곡선 Light Curve of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks. 12P/폰스-브룩스 혜성의 광도 곡선. Large image: This light curve is based on Comet Observation Database (COBS) visual observation data. The visual observations of comet include data from both experienced and novice observers using a variety of instruments and measurement methods. So, the predicted magnitude of .. 2024. 1. 30. The Comets of January 2024 2024년 1월의 혜성들 정보 The Comets of January 2024. 2024년 1월의 혜성들 정보. 2024. 1. 11. The Comets of December 2023 2023년 12월의 혜성들 정보 The Comets of December 2023. 2023년 12월의 혜성들 정보. 2023. 12. 3. Light Curve of Comet C/2023 H2 (Lemmon) C/2023 H2 (레몬) 혜성의 광도 곡선 Light Curve of Comet C/2023 H2 (Lemmon). C/2023 H2 (레몬) 혜성의 광도 곡선. Large image: The best time to observe the comet C/2023 H2 is until November 17th. The comet C/2023 H2 (Lemmon) is passing close to Earth at the end of this week. The comet Lemmon is now visible for several hours after sunset. On November 17, the comet's brightness w.. 2023. 11. 17. Light Curve of Comet C/2023 H2 (Lemmon) C/2023 H2 (레몬) 혜성의 광도 곡선 Light Curve of Comet C/2023 H2 (Lemmon). C/2023 H2 (레몬) 혜성의 광도 곡선. Large image: The best time to observe the comet C/2023 H2 is until November 17th. The comet C/2023 H2 (Lemmon) is passing close to Earth at the end of this week. The comet Lemmon is now visible for several hours after sunset. On November 10, the comet's brightness w.. 2023. 11. 13. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 20 다음