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M31, Cassiopeia, and the meteor M31, Cassiopeia, and the meteor. 안드로메다 은하(M31), 카시오페이아자리, 그리고 유성. http://cfile8.uf.tistory.com/original/256F1E3B583B98980E5534 Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on November 11, 2016 UTC @ Sancheong, South Korea. Details: Sigma Art 50mm (F1.4) lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Skytracker mount, Lee soft no. 1 filter, ISO 3200, f/2.8, 15 sec. 2016. 11. 28.
Constellation Andromeda 안드로메다자리 Constellation Andromeda. 안드로메다자리. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on September 04, 2013 UTC @ Gapyeong, South Korea. Details: Canon EF 50mm (F1.4) lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, SkyTracker mount, Lee soft no. 1 filter, ISO 800, f/5.6, 210 sec x 3. http://cfile3.uf.tistory.com/original/217D274D581839BF2DAE04 http://cfile27.uf.tistory.com/original/2619134D581839C12BF9D0 http://cfile7.uf.tistory.com/origi.. 2016. 11. 1.
Sagittarius and Milky Way 궁수자리와 은하수 Sagittarius and Milky Way.궁수자리와 은하수. http://img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R1920x0/?fname=http%3A%2F%2Fcfile4.uf.tistory.com%2Foriginal%2F21221F3857A17BCC299C3C 2016. 8. 3.
작년 5월 황매산에서... 작년 5월 황매산에서... http://cfile26.uf.tistory.com/original/2425CB4A57A0B9D031904B 2016. 8. 3.
Morning Milky Way 새벽에 날이 밝아오는 하늘과 은하수 새벽에 날이 밝아오는 때에 촬영한 사진이라 별들도 은하수도 흐리게 나왔네요. 다음에는 날씨가 좋으면 한밤중에 찍어 봐야겠습니다. 촬영 일시: 2016년 7월 31일 4시 19분. 2016. 8. 2.
Serpens & Ophiuchus 뱀자리와 뱀주인자리 Serpens and Ophiuchus.뱀자리와 뱀주인자리. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on April 22, 2015 (UTC) @ Sancheong, South Korea. Details: 19:12 (UTC, 04:12 April 23 KST), EOS 5D Mark III camera, Sigma art 50mm F1.4, ISO 1600, f/4.0, 160 sec x 4, 4 pic mosaic. http://cfile3.uf.tistory.com/original/2376683E577A197507C24D http://cfile23.uf.tistory.com/original/265DC543577A198E02D2AD http://cfile29.uf.tistory.com/original.. 2016. 7. 4.
Serpens and Ophiuchus 뱀자리와 뱀주인자리 Serpens and Ophiuchus.뱀자리와 뱀주인자리. http://cfile21.uf.tistory.com/original/270F184E577A18023E576E 2016. 7. 4.
Lyra and Vega 거문고자리와 베가 Lyra and Vega (거문고자리와 베가) 1. 5DM3, sigma art 50mm, f/4.0, Lee #1 filter. 2. 5DM3, sigma art 50mm, f/5.6, Lee #1 filter. http://cfile7.uf.tistory.com/original/2133B93857755FB21C7690 1. http://cfile26.uf.tistory.com/original/231750375774A5E7330DEE (~ 9MB) 2. http://cfile2.uf.tistory.com/original/2670A7365774A8B607A5C4 (~ 9MB) 2016. 6. 30.
Crux and southern Milky Way Crux (the Southern Cross) and southern Milky Way.남십자성과 남반구 은하수. http://cfile5.uf.tistory.com/original/2149514D571790BC23887F The Visitor Information Station (VIS) at the 2,800 meter level of Mauna kea, Hawaii.Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on April 08, 2016 (UTC) @ Mauna kea, Hawaii, USA. Details: 07:49 (UTC, 16:49 April 08 KST), 3 pic mosaic.EOS 5D Mark III camera, Sigma art 50mm F1.4, ISO 6400, f/2.8, .. 2016. 4. 20.
The Milky Way taken out the window of an airplane The Milky Way taken out the window of an airplane.고도 12,000m의 비행기안에서 바라본 은하수. The Milky Way taken out the window of an airplane above the North Pacific Ocean (altitude: 12,000m).하와이 제미니 망원경 관측을 위해 하와이로 가는 비행기 안에서 손각대로 촬영한 은하수.비행 시간 타이밍이 좋지 않아서 궁수자리쪽 은하수를 완전히 담을 수가 없었네요. 50mm 렌즈라 화각도 좀 부족합니다. 1초 노출한 사진을 5장 정도 합쳐서 만든 사진입니다. http://cfile22.uf.tistory.com/original/222DCA355702CC1C2AB76B http://cfile.. 2016. 4. 5.
Cassiopeia and Big Dipper circle Polaris Cassiopeia and Big Dipper circle Polaris.북극성 주위를 도는 카시오페이아와 북두칠성. 카메라와 삼각대를 이용한 간단한 사진 촬영... Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on Feb 08, 2016 (UTC) @ South Korea. Details: 13:45 (UTC, 22:45 Feb 08 KST), EOS 5D Mark III camera, EF 16-35mm f/2.8 L USM, ISO 6400, f/4, 30 sec x 3 = 90 sec. 2016. 2. 29.
Gemini (constellation) Gemini (constellation).쌍둥이자리. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on January 05, 2013 @ Gapyeong, South Korea. Details: 16:21 (UT), Canon EF 50mm (F1.4) lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, SkyTracker portable mount, Lee soft no. 1 filter, ISO 800, f/5.6, 480 sec x 2 = 16 min. http://cfile3.uf.tistory.com/original/2576BC335671A8AF0E7310 http://cfile28.uf.tistory.com/original/232899385671A8CD1E3C6D http://cfile1... 2015. 12. 17.