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Summer Triangle and Milky Way 여름철 대삼각형과 은하수 The Summer Triangle and Milky Way.여름철 대삼각형과 은하수. http://cfile8.uf.tistory.com/original/9984A83D5B06E2AA154E34 Large size (3240 x 2160 pixels) : http://cfile1.uf.tistory.com/original/996768475B06E1091F9F3D 염범석 (Bum-Suk Yeom). Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on May 20, 2018 UTC @ Gapyeong, South Korea. Details: 17:06 UTC (02:06 May 21 KST), Sigma Art 35mm F1.4 lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, SkyTracker mo.. 2018. 5. 25.
Summer Milky Way 여름철 은하수 Summer Milky Way.여름철 은하수. http://cfile9.uf.tistory.com/original/9966CA4F5B04585508B71E Large size (3194 x 1796 pixels) : http://cfile30.uf.tistory.com/original/99B903445B04586F0751AB 염범석 (Bum-Suk Yeom). Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on May 20, 2018 UTC @ Gapyeong, South Korea. Details: 18:03 UTC (03:03 May 21 KST), Sigma Art 14-24mm F2.8 lens (at 18mm) with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Skytracker mount, ISO .. 2018. 5. 23.
Sagittarius and Galactic Center 궁수자리와 우리 은하의 중심 Saturn, Sagittarius, and Galactic Center.토성, 궁수자리, 그리고 우리 은하의 중심. http://cfile6.uf.tistory.com/original/99F290505B0AF4680DD56E Large size (3120 x 2080 pixels) : http://cfile22.uf.tistory.com/original/99D511485B0AF4860F9030 염범석 (Bum-Suk Yeom). Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on May 13, 2018 UTC @ Jangsu, South Korea. Details: 18:03 UTC (03:03 May 14 KST), Sigma Art 50mm lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Sk.. 2018. 5. 19.
Jupiter, GRS, and 4 Moons 목성과 대적점, 4대 위성들 Jupiter, GRS, and 4 Moons (from left to right: Callisto, Europa, Io, and Ganymede). Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on May 08, 2018 UTC @ Iksan, South Korea. http://cfile3.uf.tistory.com/original/99A0144C5AF7E0CA13C796 Jupiter reach opposition on May 9th 00:28 (UTC) and is closest to the Earth for the year. 목성과 대적점, 그리고 4대 위성들(왼쪽부터 칼리스토, 유로파, 이오, 그리고 가니메데).목성은 5월 9일(UTC)에 충에 도달하며, 올해 지구에 가장 가까이 접근한다. 염범석. 2018. 5. 13.
Jupiter and 4 Moons 목성과 4대 위성 Jupiter and 4 Moons.목성과 4대 위성(이오, 유로파, 가니메데, 칼리스토). http://cfile2.uf.tistory.com/original/9981703B5AF45226345FD3 http://cfile4.uf.tistory.com/original/9926493B5AF452263CB4E1 2018 May 08 15:40 UTC @ Iksan, South Korea. Takahashi TOA-150 Refractor, ASI 290MC, 1min movie (1,176 images) stack. 이 사진은 테스트로 찍은 사진. ^^ 촬영자: 염범석(Bum-Suk Yeom). 2018. 5. 10.
Jupiter and the Great Red Spot 목성과 대적점 Jupiter and the Great Red Spot(GRS).목성과 대적점. 2018 May 08 15:09 UTC @ Iksan, South Korea. APM Apo 12inch Refractor, ASI 224MC, 2x Barlow, 1min movie (7,627 images) stack. http://cfile2.uf.tistory.com/original/993689435AF31E0D2DA8A3 목성이 충일때 촬영한 사진입니다. 촬영자: 염범석(Bum-Suk Yeom) 2018. 5. 9.
Moon, Venus, Pleiades, and Hyades 달, 금성, 플레이아데스 성단, 그리고 히아데스 성단 Moon, Venus, Pleiades, and Hyades.달, 금성, 플레이아데스 성단, 그리고 히아데스 성단. 옆에 축구장이 있어서 하늘이 너무 밝네요. http://cfile2.uf.tistory.com/original/998DA4435ADDFF411DEA4A Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on April 18, 2018 UTC @ Iksan, South Korea. Details: 11:43 UTC (20:43 KST), Sigma Art 50mm lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Sirui T-1204 Tripod, ISO 1600, 1.6 sec x 3. 2018. 4. 24.
New sunspot AR2706 새로운 태양 흑점 출현 New sunspot AR2706 is emerging over the sun's eastern limb. 태양의 동쪽 가장자리에 새로운 흑점이 나타났어요. http://cfile10.uf.tistory.com/original/99FFC24E5AD9E01233948D 앞으로 2주 정도 관측이 가능할 것 같습니다. TOA-150B refractor + Galaxy Note 8 smartphone camera.Credit: Bum-Suk Yeom. 염범석. 2018. 4. 20.
Delphinus and Aquila 돌고래자리와 독수리자리 Delphinus and Aquila.돌고래자리와 독수리자리. http://cfile22.uf.tistory.com/original/99F2CE4D5AD4D34004A28D 광해가 많은 곳에서는 작품 사진을 찍기가 힘드네요. 염범석 (Bum-Suk Yeom). Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on April 15, 2018 UTC @ Wanju-gun, South Korea. Details: 19:36 UTC (04:36 April 16 KST), Sigma Art 35mm lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Skytracker mount, Lee soft #2 filter, ISO 800, f/5.6, 270 sec x 3 = 810 sec (13.5 min). 2018. 4. 17.
The white dwarf Sirius B and Sirius A 시리우스 B와 A The white dwarf Sirius B and Sirius A. 백색왜성인 시리우스 B와 시리우스 A. http://cfile28.uf.tistory.com/original/99958E445AB8654010F5C0 Movie(72 sec) : https://youtu.be/66IjXL4ROOc Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on March 13, 2018 UTC @ Iksan, South Korea. Details: 13:09 UTC (22:09 KST), APM Apo 12inch Refractor, ASI 290MC camera, FPS (avg.)=119, Shutter=8.357ms, Gain=438, Gamma=75, 60 sec x 1. With an apparent magnit.. 2018. 3. 26.
Venus & Mercury 금성과 수성 Venus & Mercury. 금성과 수성. http://cfile30.uf.tistory.com/original/99547E415AAFD8992C8D44 http://cfile8.uf.tistory.com/original/994210415AAFD89A0F495C http://cfile2.uf.tistory.com/original/99766C415AAFD89A3B5DAE Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on March 16, 2018 UTC @ Iksan, South Korea. Details: 10:15 UTC (19:15 KST), Sigma Art 50mm lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, Sirui T-1204 Tripod, ISO 400, f/4, 1/2 + 1.. 2018. 3. 20.
Mizar & Alcor 미자르와 알코르 Mizar & Alcor. 미자르 & 알코르. http://cfile4.uf.tistory.com/original/99D5E94C5AA00CFE0BE4E6 http://cfile27.uf.tistory.com/original/997D25385AA11668269459 The Mizar system showing each of the three pairs that compose the sextuple. All are main sequence A-class stars similar to Vega or Altair except for Alcor's red dwarf companion. 미자르와 알코르 시스템은 3개의 이중성으로 구성된 6중성입니다.각각의 이중성은 분광 쌍성이라 안시 관측으로는 구별이 되지 않습니.. 2018. 3. 8.