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겨울철 별자리와 은하수 겨울철 별자리와 은하수. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/winter_sky_ex_web_01_bsyeom.jpg Large size: http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/winter_sky_ex_01_bsyeom.jpg 2018. 12. 3.
Winter Triangle & Milky Way 겨울철 대삼각형과 은하수 Winter Triangle & Milky Way.겨울철 대삼각형과 은하수. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/winter_triangle_milky_way_20181105_web_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/winter_triangle_milky_way_20181105_web_ex_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/winter_triangle_milky_way_20181105_medium_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/winter_triangle_milky_way_20181105_medium_ex_bsye.. 2018. 11. 18.
Winter Hexagon & Milky Way 겨울철 대육각형과 은하수 Winter Hexagon & Milky Way.겨울철 대육각형과 은하수. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/winter_hexagon_milky_way_20181105_web_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/winter_hexagon_milky_way_20181105_web_ex_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/winter_hexagon_milky_way_20181105_web_ex_en_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/winter_hexagon_milky_way_20181105_web_rot_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com.. 2018. 11. 15.
Venus in daylight 한낮의 금성 Venus in daylight.한낮의 금성. 304mm Refractor + Galaxy Note 8 smartphone.November 10, 2018 KST. 스마트폰으로 망원경의 아이피스에 대고 촬영한 금성. 금성이 그믐달 모양으로 보이네요. 시직경도 약 1분 정도로 큽니다. 테스트로 스마트폰으로 찍고 난 후에 행성용 카메라로 제대로 찍으려고 하니 구름이 몰려와서 촬영을 마무리했습니다. 2018. 11. 15.
Comet 64P/Swift-Gehrels and Andromeda galaxy (M31) Comet 64P/Swift-Gehrels and Andromeda galaxy (M31).스위프트-게렐스 혜성과 안드로메다 은하. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/comet_64p_m31_web_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/comet_64p_m31_web_rot_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on November 4, 2018 UTC @ Jangsu, South Korea. Details: 16:49 UTC (01:49 November 5 KST), Samyang 135mm f/2 ED UMC lens with EOS 5D Mark III camera, SkyGuider mount, ISO 800, f.. 2018. 11. 13.
2018 Mars, Jupiter, Saturn 화성, 목성, 토성 2018 Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.2018 화성, 목성, 토성. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/3_planet_2018_aug_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석) on August 3-8, 2018 @ Iksan, South Korea.APM Apo 12inch Refractor + ASI 224MC camera, x2 or x3 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC.염범석. 2018. 9. 26.
Comet 21P, Clusters, Nebulae Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, Star Clusters and Nebulae in the Auriga.혜성, 마차부자리의 성단들과 성운들. 염범석 (Bum-Suk Yeom). 마차부자리의 산개 성단들(M36, M37, M38)과 성운들(IC405, IC410, IC417). http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/comet_21p_star_clusters_nebulae_final_web_bsyeom.jpg Large photo: http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/comet_21p_star_clusters_nebulae_final_large_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on September 9, 2018 UTC @.. 2018. 9. 10.
Mars 화성 2018-08-08 Mars. 화성. 2018-08-08. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/mars_20180808_web_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Mars, 08 August 2018, 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x3 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC, 100sec movie stack, Iksan, South Korea. 2018. 9. 3.
Jupiter, Saturn, Mars 목성, 토성, 화성 2018-08-03 Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars. 목성, 토성, 화성. 2018-08-03. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/3_planet_20180803_web_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Mars, 03 August 2018, 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x3 or x2 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC, Iksan, South Korea. 2018. 9. 3.
Mars 화성 2018-08-03 Mars. 화성. 2018-08-03. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/mars_20180803_new_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Mars, 03 August 2018, 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x3 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC, 94sec movie stack, Iksan, South Korea. 2018. 9. 3.
Saturn 토성 2018-08-03 Saturn. 토성. 2018-08-03. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/saturn_20180803_new_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Saturn, 03 August 2018, 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x3 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC, 1min movie x 3 stack, Iksan, South Korea. 2018. 9. 3.
Saturn 토성 Saturn. 토성. https://t1.daumcdn.net/cfile/tistory/9954C8425B6DC7C004?original Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Saturn, 03 August 2018, 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x2 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC, 1min movie stack, Iksan, South Korea. 2018. 8. 11.