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2019 Geminid Meteor Shower (Geminids) and the Full Moon 2019 쌍둥이자리 유성우와 보름달 2019 Geminid Meteor Shower (Geminids) and the Full Moon. 2019 쌍둥이자리 유성우와 보름달. Mobile photo : http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/2019_geminids_20191214_med_moblie_bsyeom.jpg Large photo : http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/2019_geminids_20191214_med_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/2019_geminids_20191214_med_ex_EN_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/2019_geminids_20191214_med_ex_Kor_bs.. 2019. 12. 16.
Milky Way Night filter test shot 은하수 나이트 필터 테스트 샷 77mm Magnetic Milky Way Night filter test shot. 77mm 자석식 은하수 나이트 필터 테스트 샷. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/IMG_7322_web_bsyeom.jpg Large size: http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/IMG_7322_med_bsyeom.jpg 날씨가 좋지 않은 상황에서 테스트로 한장 찍어봤는데 생각보다 괜찮게 나온 것 같습니다. 다음에 날씨 좋은날 제대로 찍으면 멋진 사진이 나올 것 같습니다. Sigma Art 35mm F1.4 + EOS 5D Mark III, f/4, ISO 1600, 180 sec. 2019. 12. 1.
Saturn, Crescent Moon, Venus, and Jupiter 토성, 초승달, 금성, 그리고 목성 Saturn, Crescent Moon, Venus, and Jupiter. 2019-11-29. 토성, 초승달, 금성, 그리고 목성. 2019-11-29. Large photo : http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/sat_moon_ven_jup_20191129_bsyeom.jpg Galaxy Note 8 smartphone camera. 갤럭시 노트 8 스마트폰 카메라. Bum-Suk Yeom. 염범석. 2019. 11. 30.
Leonids and the Winter Triangle 사자자리 유성우와 겨울철 대삼각형 Leonids and the Winter Triangle. 사자자리 유성우와 겨울철 대삼각형. 외뿔소자리 알파 유성우를 찍기위해서 2시간동안 촬영을 했는데 사자자리 유성우의 유성이 하나 찍혔네요. 3시간동안 유성을 맨눈으로는 10개 정도 보았고 그중에서 3개 정도는 화구처럼 매우 밝고 긴 유성이었습니다. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/leonids_winter_triangle_20191121_web_bsyeom.jpg Large photo : http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/leonids_winter_triangle_20191121_med_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom (www.cometsky.com) on November .. 2019. 11. 23.
Orion (Constellation) 오리온자리 Orion (Constellation). 오리온자리. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/orion_20191104_web_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/orion_20191104_web_ex_bsyeom.jpg Large photo : http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/orion_20191104_med_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/orion_20191104_med_ex_bsyeom.jpg 염범석. Bum-Suk Yeom. Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom (www.cometsky.com) on November 03, 2019 UTC @ Jangsu, South.. 2019. 11. 19.
Full Moon (Color ver.) 보름달 (컬러 버전) 망 Full Moon. (Color version) 보름달 (컬러 버전). 2019. 11. 12. 14:35 UTC (23:35 KST). Bum-Suk Yeom. 염범석. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/full_moon_20191112_color_01_web_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/full_moon_20191112_color_02_web_bsyeom.jpg Large size: http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/full_moon_20191112_color_01_med_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/full_moon_20191112_color_02_med_b.. 2019. 11. 16.
Full Moon 보름달 망 Full Moon. 보름달. 2019. 11. 12. 14:35 UTC (23:35 KST). Bum-Suk Yeom. 염범석. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/full_moon_20191112_web_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/full_moon_20191112__mobile_web_bsyeom.jpg Large size: http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/full_moon_20191112_med_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/full_moon_20191112__mobile_med_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom on November .. 2019. 11. 14.
Sirius (-1.47 mag) & Canopus (-0.74 mag) 시리우스와 카노푸스 Sirius (-1.47 mag) & Canopus (-0.74 mag). 시리우스(-1.47등급)와 카노푸스(-0.74등급) 별. Large photo : http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/sirius_canopus_20191028_med_new_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/sirius_canopus_20191028_med_mobile_bsyeom.jpg Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Canopus is the second-brightest star in the night sky. The brightest star in the image is Sirius. And Canopus .. 2019. 11. 6.
ISS Solar Transit ISS 태양면 통과 ISS Solar Transit. International Space Station Solar Transit. ISS 태양면 통과. 국제우주정거장 태양면 통과. 국제우주정거장(ISS)의 태양면 통과. 2019-10-09. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/iss_solar_transit_20191009_web_01_new_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/iss_solar_transit_20191009_web_02_bsyeom.jpg Image of the solar transit of the International Space Station (ISS) taken from Iksan in South Korea on October 09th .. 2019. 10. 9.
Neptune 해왕성 Neptune. 해왕성. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/neptune_20180815_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/neptune_20180815_new_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Neptune, 18:34 14 August 2018 UT (03:34 15 August 2018 KST), 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x3 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC, 5min (7,420 image stack), Iksan, South Korea. 해왕성, 2018년 8월 15일 03:34, 304mm 굴절 망원경, ZWO ASI224MC 카메라, 3배 바로우 렌즈, .. 2019. 10. 6.
Uranus 천왕성 Uranus. 천왕성. http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/uranus_20180815_bsyeom.jpg http://cometsky.com/astrophotos/uranus_20180815_new_bsyeom.jpg Taken by Bum-Suk Yeom(염범석). Uranus, 17:33 14 August 2018 UT (02:33 15 August 2018 KST), 12inch Refractor, ZWO ASI224MC, x3 Barlow Lens, ZWO ADC, 5min movie x 2 = 10 min (11,757 image stack), Iksan, South Korea. 천왕성, 2018년 8월 15일 02:33, 304mm 굴절 망원경, ZWO ASI224MC .. 2019. 10. 6.
초저녁의 예쁜 반달 초저녁의 예쁜 반달. 2019-08-07 19:40. 갤럭시 노트 8. 망원경의 접안렌즈에 대고 촬영한 사진입니다. 2019. 8. 8.